Co-parenting can be a challenging journey, especially when transitioning from a traditional family setting to a new co-parenting arrangement. As the back-to-school season approaches, creating a solid routine becomes crucial for a smooth academic year. In this blog...
During a family law matter such as a divorce or child custody action, social media can have unintended and detrimental consequences. Opposing parties or attorneys often scrutinize social media profiles, making it crucial to exercise caution and make wise choices...
You may be considering child custody modification in Georgia, or have questions or thoughts about changing your existing child custody order. Although these initial orders are carefully considered by judges and should be based in the best interests of the children...
Particularly with our existing clients and our potential clients, we understand that summer can be very frustrating, especially if you’re in the middle of a divorce or child custody proceeding. So, I wanted to share with y’all three things that you can do...
Paige Navarro here! We have several hearings this week, and the number one question that’s been popping up is, “What should I expect in family law court?” That’s a very important question! Since the lawyers in our office do this almost every single day, sometimes we...
Learn about choosing a child custody attorney in this video. Then call our Georgia attorneys for a legal consultation and case evaluation. Question: Why do I need an attorney for a child custody matter? Answer: Oftentimes, we receive telephone calls from potential...