Stepparent Adoptions: Celebrating National Adoption Day

November 18th marks National Adoption Day. Stepparent adoptions are a common and happy occurrence at Hall and Navarro. We are proud to share that this year, we have helped seven families realize their dreams of becoming whole through the adoption process.

Stepparent adoptions are made possible when:

  • Two individuals have been married for a significant period of time;
  • One of the child’s biological parents has been absent financially and/or has had no meaningful contact with the child for a continuous year; and
  • When the court finds the adoption is in the best interest of the child.

Benefits of Stepparent Adoption

For men, stepparent adoptions provide an opportunity for a child to share the same last name as their adoptive father. The adoptive father also can be officially added to the birth certificate. This simple yet powerful gesture goes beyond symbolism, creating a sense of belonging and unity within the family.

Similarly, for women, a stepparent adoption grants legal authority to make critical medical decisions for the child. This is especially important when the biological father may become unable to do so for any reason. Moreover, it allows the adoptive mother to be rightfully added to the child’s birth certificate, solidifying the bond and legal recognition.

Finally, beyond the emotional and symbolic significance, stepparent adoptions offer practical benefits as well. They enable the adoptive parent to be officially declared the legal parent. This ensures that the child can inherit from them, providing a secure and stable future for the family.

The Joy of Adoptions

Understandably, stepparent adoptions are profoundly special moments. At Hall and Navarro, we take great joy in assisting families through this transformative journey. Our dedicated team is committed to guiding you through the legal intricacies of the adoption process, ensuring that your family’s journey towards completeness is as smooth as possible.

As we celebrate National Adoption Day, we reflect on the joy and fulfillment that come with helping families embrace new beginnings. If you are considering stepparent adoption, we are here to offer our expertise and support, navigating the legal steps required to make your family whole. Let this National Adoption Day inspire hope and encourage others to consider the life-changing impact of adoption. Together, we can continue to create more stories of love, unity, and the incredible power of family. Schedule a consultation with us today.

Contact Us

Martha Hall, Family Law Attorney in Springfield, GA

Family Law Attorney
Martha Hall

Paige Navarro, Family Law Attorney in Statesboro, GA

Family Law Attorney
Paige Navarro

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