The Do’s and Don’t’s of Social Media During a Family Law Matter

During a family law matter such as a divorce or child custody action, social media can have unintended and detrimental consequences. Opposing parties or attorneys often scrutinize social media profiles, making it crucial to exercise caution and make wise choices online.

In this video, Legal Assistant Alexis Agnew explains some of the do’s and don’t’s of social media during a family law matter. These are important in protecting your case.

What You SHOULD Do On Social Media During a Family Law Matter:

  • Proceed with caution and prioritize privacy. Exercise discretion when posting or sharing content, aiming to be as private and sensitive as possible. Adjust your privacy settings to control who can view your posts.
  • Change your passwords. If you are going through a divorce or custody battle, it is advisable to change the passwords to all your social media accounts. This ensures that your personal information remains secure and inaccessible to others involved in the legal proceedings.
  • Consider the impact on children. When children are involved, be mindful of how your posts may affect them. Even if your child doesn’t have their own social media accounts, their friends or their friends’ parents might, and information can spread quickly. Avoid posting content that could potentially harm your child’s well-being or influence the outcome of the case.
  • Monitor tagged posts. Stay vigilant about posts you are tagged in by others. Assess whether the content could be damaging to your case and untag yourself if necessary. Take control of what is associated with your online persona.

What You Should NOT Do On Social Media During a Family Law Matter:

  • Share reproachful posts. Avoid posting or sharing anything that a judge or opposing counsel might perceive as negative or inappropriate. Maintain a respectful online presence to protect your credibility and the integrity of your case.
  • Make inflammatory comments. Resist the urge to express strong emotions or make disparaging remarks about the case or any parties involved. Engaging in online arguments or venting frustrations can potentially harm your case and may be used against you.
  • Complain about parenting or financial matters. It is essential to refrain from complaining about the difficulties of raising children or financial struggles. Such posts can be interpreted negatively and may impact the court’s perception of your abilities and responsibilities.
  • Flaunt material possessions or achievements. While it may be tempting to showcase new purchases or boast about a raise or promotion, refrain from doing so during a family law matter. Flaunting wealth or professional advancements can create an unfavorable image and potentially affect the outcome of your case.
  • Post content or photos involving a new relationship: During a divorce or custody battle, it is advisable to avoid posting photos or content featuring a new romantic partner. Prematurely sharing details about a new relationship can complicate matters and potentially strain co-parenting arrangements.

Approach Social Media with Caution

When navigating a family law matter, especially a divorce or child custody action, social media should be approached with caution. By adhering to the do’s and don’t’s outlined in this article, you can safeguard your case and protect your personal and professional reputation. Remember, when in doubt about a post, it is better to err on the side of caution and refrain from sharing it.

Georgia Family Law Attorneys

If you require further guidance on using social media to your advantage during a divorce or custody case, contact Hall & Navarro today.

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Martha Hall, Family Law Attorney in Springfield, GA

Family Law Attorney
Martha Hall

Paige Navarro, Family Law Attorney in Statesboro, GA

Family Law Attorney
Paige Navarro

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