Self Performance Evaluation Step 1 of 5 20% Reminders about the self-appraisal: 1. Do an impartial self-appraisal of your skillset and your performance, motivation, engagement, conduct, and attendance. Please be honest and candid about your thoughts. The idea is to have a close-knit team where each of us is straightforward in our needs and concerns. 2. Be confident in pointing out the areas where you have been successful. Document your achievements. Use numbers, metrics, and specific examples when possible. 3. Provide comments for each section, advising whether your performance has been up to standards or whether you need improvement. 4. When assessing the areas where you think you want to improve, explain why you want to improve in that area and how you suggest to accomplish that. Don’t be afraid to ask for suggestions or support in your development plan, i.e., guidance, direction, and mentoring.Name(Required) First Last Position(Required) Enter the email you'd like a copy of your answers sent to.(Required) Hired Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Evaluation Date(Required)Wednesday, June 19, 2024Friday, June 21, 2024If you believe anything was missed or if you have anything to add regarding the eval summary sheet that was emailed to you, please explain below.If you would like to upload any additional files to go with your eval answers, you can add them here. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 300 MB, Max. files: 5. Looking Back at the Past 6 MonthsWhat were the highlights of the past 6 months for you?(Required)What went wrong in the past 6 months?(Required)Have your job responsibilities changed in the past 6 months? If so, explain.(Required) Your Position & DepartmentIs there anything within your work that you would like to change? If so, how would you do it?(Required)What could the partners do to help you be more successful in your job?(Required)How do you think your department could improve as a whole?(Required) Focusing On YouDo you feel you have been successful during this past 6 months? Do you feel you could have done something better?(Required)How do you feel you have contributed to the company overall during the past 6 months?(Required)Is there anything specific that can be done to help you be more successful over the next 6 months and beyond (training, resources, software/programs, professional development, education, etc.)?(Required) Final ThoughtsWhat additional questions, comments, or concerns would you like to discuss?(Required)Do you have any suggested questions for the forms next time around? If so list them here.